Monday, 18 May 2009

The Wooden Birds

Fans of classic mellow Texan band American Analog Set can rejoice with a new project from lead chap Andrew Kenny. The Wooden Birds picks up where the sadly departed 'amanset' left off - familiar understated, slow-moving indie-pop for the lost in love - but with fresh new-folk muscle under AK's gentle boyish croon. I'm loving their album Magnolia and its really worth owning. Like really worth it. Listen on myspace or buy it straight from their label Barsuk.

Oh, and thanks to Leigh Tran for the tipoff. She knows I'm an American Analog Set tragic. And her radio program Tape Relay on 2SER in Sydney is amazing.


Leigh said...

woah you just reminded me, i had the most amazing dream about the wooden birds last night! it may have involved me being in the band, and possibly singing songs about members of the analog set. who wouldn't love a dream like that right??

Yi said...

Hi Ryan, found you by accident. Just lucky I guess, anyway I'll be back and I'm adding you in my blog roll...cheers